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Monday, August 21, 2006

Who Owns Britain?

Reported in a few places is the statement of one Anjem Choudary, a 39-year-old former leader of Al Mujahiroun, a defunct London-based Islamic group that clamored loudly for jihad. Interviewed by the BBC after making public calls for sharia for Britain, refusing to condemn the London subway bombers, and saying that Muslims shouldn't help police fight terrorism waged in the name of jihad, Mr. Choudary gave this informative response when asked why he didn't just move to a country that already has sharia, like Iran:

Who says you own Britain, anyway? Britain belongs to Allah. The whole world belongs to Allah. ... If I go to the jungle, I'm not going to live like the animals, I'm going to propagate a superior way of life. Islam is a superior way of life.

Choudary made the news again recently when he was convicted of sponsoring a nasty protest demonstration against the Danish embassy in London over those anti-Muhammad cartoons that led to such troubles all over the world. Seems he didn't get the proper permits and must pay a $1,400 fine, which is about half a month's government benefits for Mr. Choudary.

Worrisome business; decline of the West and all that. But I will do Mr. Choudary the undeserved courtesy of taking his question seriously. The BBC's obvious assumption in asking the question was that Britain properly belongs to the British -- or at least to the majority of the people who live in Britain who don't really want to sign up for sharia just yet. And, in a sense, that Iran belongs to sharia-loving Iranians. But Mr. Choudary disagrees, preferring instead his view that it's all Allah's. As for those who disagree, we can look at the signs present at Mr. Choudary's protest: "Behead Those Who Insult Islam"/"Slay Those Who Insult Islam,"/"Kill Those Who Insult Islam,"/"Butcher Those Who Mock Islam." You get the idea.

So who's right, the BBC or Mr. Choudary? Neither, of course. "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein," says the Psalmist, and the Bible sets us (including Mr. Choudary) up as the Earth's caretakers. Now the BBC might say I'm no better than Mr. Choudary, and that I am just substituting one primitive god for another and will lead us all to death for wanting to fight about labels and superstition. But there's an important difference between the Lord and Mr. Choudary's god. Mr. Choudary's god wants our heads; our God wants Mr. Choudary's heart. "Behead those who insult Islam," says Mr. Choudary's god. "Love your enemies, and do good to those who persecute you," says ours.


Blogger susan said...

That was well-put. As a woman, it's hard for me to see Islam as a "better way of life." Yeah. FGM, Burkahs, honor killings....


7:02 AM, August 22, 2006  

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