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Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Professor's Views on the Prevalence of Prejudice

June 1969: Everyone with a television is glued to it to watch Neil Armstrong take man's first step on the moon.

Early 1970s: TV networks get thousands of complaints after interrupting a NBA basketball game broadcast to show . . . another moon landing.

Professor T saw it all coming:
"Strange enough how creatures of the human-kind shut their eyes to plainest facts; and by the mere inertia of Oblivion and Stupidity, live at ease in the midst of Wonders and Terrors. But indeed man is, and was always, a blockhead and dullard; much readier to feel and digest, than to think and consider. Prejudice, which he pretends to hate, is his absolute lawgiver; mere use-and-wont everywhere leads him by the nose; thus let but a Rising of the Sun, let but a Creation of the World happen twice, and it ceases to be marvellous, to be noteworthy, or noticeable."
--Chapter 8


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